FLAIR-GG and the FLAIR-GG Virtual Platform

The FLAIR-GG FDP Index Proxy

It is possible to join the network by simply providing a metadata document that follows the DCAT standard,
and providing the core set of metadata elements required by the FLAIR-GG platform

To do this, you must use our FDP Proxy, which will add additional required metadata to your DCAT,
and will set-up a "ping" (coming soon!) such that your document is re-tested every week,
and any new modifications are absorbed by the platform.

To pass your document to the Proxy, use the following CURL command (replacing the clientUrl
value with the URL of your DCAT document)

curl -v -L -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"clientUrl": "https://my.server.org/my_dcat_record.ttl"}' https://bgv.cbgp.upm.es/fdp-index-proxy/proxy