FLAIR-GG and the FLAIR-GG Virtual Platform

General Documentation

The FLAIR-GG Project aims to FAIRify the
Banco de Germoplasma Vegetal de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (BGV-UPM)
and to interlink it with other Germplasm resources throughout Spain and the world.

This will be accomplished using a variety of technologies for
modelling and transforming relational data from the BGV-UPM into FAIR formats
such as ontologically grounded RDF

All germplasm and other third-party resources are federated via a shared portal
called the "Virtual Platform" (VP), where
it will be possible to execute federated queries and analytics over all participants
in the FLAIR-GG network

How to join the FLAIR-GG Network

FLAIR-GG is still an emergent initiative, seeking early-adopters.

We have created ONBOARDING documentation to help you get started. We are here to help!

Please contact either Alberto (Spanish/English) or Mark (English)
and we will walk you through the steps. (it's easier than it seems!)

We are even able to (temporarily) host your FAIR endpoint, to let you explore membership
with minimal commitment or effort

Component Documentation

OpenAPI Interfaces for BGV-UPM services

Frequently Asked Questions

Swagger tester for interfaces